Soundtrack of my Life: “Days” by the Kinks

I am not a people person.

I am bad at people-ing.

I avoid them.

If I let someone into my world, even just a bit, it means I would tear out my insides and set the world on fire for them. I don’t throw around the word “love” callously. If I say it to someone, it’s done with purpose and sincerity. I love those people fiercely, without judgement. I value them above myself. I have never been the most important person in my life. It’s always been about them.

When they leave, as most of them do in the end, I am left an empty shell.

“Days” is a song about the people you love and cherish. I am always grateful for the time spent. I will never be the same. I will always be less.

But it doesn’t stop me from loving them, the leaving.

I have played this song on repeat this past week. It’s not hard for me to find a Kinks song that expresses my feelings.

It’s probably why they are my favourite band of all time.


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